Qoutes . . .

So tonight it's sooo random~ I don't know what I am going to do. I couldn't sleep *again*, my namchin goin' to Purwakarta accompany his father because he have something to do and my namchin is one and only his son so that he ask him to driving him to there tonite. FYI, I have an exam this morning, but I don't have any note, book too, neither my friends, just like another exam, I'll study it only 10 minutes before exam *I'm sooo looking like so smart, huh? But actually, I'm not. I'm just good at math, but not all of them*
And than, I choose to blog-walking~ and just a moment ago, Evita Nuh just posting a new post at her blog, it's a journal book from go girl? Ummm I don't know, I only take a look for a photos and video. There's so much quote, that's inspired her! I like some of them too, so I make them on my own creativity *whatever hani, whatever~* , and here they are!! :D

Not really bad, huh? 
Gnite~ ADIOS!!
xoxo Hani

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