Aziatix - Speed of Light
Yeah, on the brink of madness
drowning in hell,
I’m tryna’ live while I’m at it.
Shattered matters flatters stress, she’s so attracted to me.
When I know she’s gone, she comes right back,
can’t catch breaks not even a slight crack
stuck in the hole then I dig myself, even deeper
when I try to fight back
I kick in the door and it leads to more, what’s the key to life?
I’m falling off, split the floor,
traveling at the speed of light light
drowning in hell,
I’m tryna’ live while I’m at it.
Shattered matters flatters stress, she’s so attracted to me.
When I know she’s gone, she comes right back,
can’t catch breaks not even a slight crack
stuck in the hole then I dig myself, even deeper
when I try to fight back
I kick in the door and it leads to more, what’s the key to life?
I’m falling off, split the floor,
traveling at the speed of light light
When you told me everything would be alright,
I believed it.
But you left me alone here in the dark to be defeated.
You’ve run, so far away
but I made it through, and I’m standing here today
I see the sun, after the rain
Yesterday is dead and gone, the speed of light my life goes on,
and.. on
Cuz how much more must I withstand
before I can rise and fly so high to the point,
Yesterday is dead and gone, the speed of light my life goes on,
and.. on
Cuz how much more must I withstand
before I can rise and fly so high to the point,
where I can put this world in my hand
wanna ride till I die, but I can only go so far,
‘till what’s left of my fuel is gone
running on e,
only things left is faith and passion
that its purest form, come on
When you told me everything would be alright,
I believed it.
But you left me alone here in the dark to be defeated
You felt, so far away
but I made it through, and I’m standing here today
wanna ride till I die, but I can only go so far,
‘till what’s left of my fuel is gone
running on e,
only things left is faith and passion
that its purest form, come on
When you told me everything would be alright,
I believed it.
But you left me alone here in the dark to be defeated
You felt, so far away
but I made it through, and I’m standing here today
I see the sun, after the rain
Open my eyes and now I know,
that you’ve been with me all along
I’m alright
I’m ok
Open my eyes and now I know,
that you’ve been with me all along
I’m alright
I’m ok
Gw g' begitu paham sama maksud lagu di atas. Tapi lyric yg gw kasih warna merah, itu kaya nyeritain kalo ada cewe yg ninggalin cowo tapi bilang "semuanya bakalan baik2 aja", tapi nyatanya dia ninggalin cowo itu di sebuah tempat yg gelap *mungkin maksudnya keadaan yg buruk sendirian dalam keadaan lemah *kayanya
Tapi tuh cowo mencoba untuk move on dan bangkit, dengan cepet kaya kecepatan cahaya dia ngelanjutin kehidupannya.
Nah lyric yg gw kasih warna pink, itu kan sama aja yah, tapi yg beda itu yg bagian terakhirnya.
"Open my eyes and now I know, that you’ve been with me all along, I’m alright, I’m ok"
Ternyata tuh cowo baru sadar, kalau sebenernya cewe itu g' bener2 ninggalin dia, tapi cewe itu selalu ada sama cowo itu *entah kaya gimana caranya*
Gw sukaaaaaaaa banget sama lagu ini!!
PERTAMA, karena Rap nya si flowsik, KEDUA lyricnya yg gw kasih tanda, entah kenapa dapet feel aja gituuu sama lyricnya, yg KETIGA MV nyaaaaa kereeeen, musicnya jugaaaaaaa, aaaaaaaaaa makin cinta Aziatix :3
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